A downloadable game for Windows

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Guild of The Peculiars

Status: In-Development

Hello everyone! I've been an avid fan of classic dungeon crawlers from the early 90's to even 80's. While working on a recent first person shooter project i started realizing the possibilities for something much more interesting for me on a personal level. Take away the guns, replace them with swords and replace those soldiers with fantasy creatures.

The first person medieval fantasy genre has been around longer than even first person shooters. I feel it is my right to pay a bit of homage to the classics that started it at all that inspired all the FPS RPG games that we enjoy today.

What better way to remember them than to create something out of pure inspiration from their source material. With that said I've gone full force with creating a classic Dungeon Crawler grid movement system. This has been a lot of mathematics and headaches, but its slowly been coming along. In fact, its been coming along quickly!

I can't wait to show what I've been working on.

The engine of which this is running under unfortunately wasn't entirely built for what I'm trying to achieve so I'm creating a physics system of my own from scratch through the scripting language it supports. This includes providing my own ray-casting and AI.

Each player movement will be forced to a grid and rather than just teleporting to each tile, I am animating the camera movement so that the game doesn't get too disorientating.

So far the player can move around the environment and rotate the camera. It will be a 4 party member system and you can swap to the different characters in order to use skills or attack enemies. Its undecided if this will be a turn based game or completely free to attack at any time with any character.

The game is set in a medieval fantasy world. Title is not yet confirmed. The character creation system will allow for selection of gender, race and class. You will also be able to provide your character with traits. You will have skill sets, spells and all kinds of abilities dependent on your character build.

The types of enemies you encounter are orcs, trolls, ogres, wizards, skeletons and dragons. Typical D&D sort of encounters. You will also have to avoid traps and solve puzzles.

The visual quality of the game is rendered with detailed 3D models and textures with well concentration on lighting and environment. This won't just be a grid game of repeating textures. The world will be dynamic and thematic.


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